Choosing the Best Paint Color for Your House

Is your house looking a bit drab? Perhaps the paint is peeling, fading or simply looking old. When your house’s exterior paint starts to show its age, the entire house looks worse for the wear. But the good news is that a fresh coat of paint can do wonders to revitalize your house’s look, increase your property’s value and instill some pride in your homestead.

How can you choose the best color of exterior paint for your home? We’ve got some tips to help your house put its best “face” forward.

1. Check with your HOA, if you have one. If you live in an area with a Homeowner’s Association, there are often rules and guidelines about the colors available for home exteriors. Before you pick a color, speak to someone at the HOA about color options. They might ask you to submit your choice to the HOA for approval before you start painting. Follow the rules – after all, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of your HOA.

2. Check out the history of your home. If you live in an older home, the house (and area) probably has a history that includes a color scheme. You can look at similar homes in your area and even consider a fresher version of the color that’s currently on your house’s exterior. Keeping true to that established palette can give your home a historically beautiful result.

3. Look at what your neighbors have done. You don’t want to copy the exact color of the house next door – that would look strange. Instead, check out the variety of colors on your street and then try to pick shades that complement those, while keeping some individuality. If every house on your street is some shade of taupe, buff, sand and terracotta, you should probably steer clear of a color like brilliant turquoise.

4. Examine nature. What does the color scheme around your house look like? Are there vibrant greens, muted browns, or deep blues? You can draw inspiration from the palette of Mother Nature to see what would look pleasant on your home.

5. Consider the trim, roof and other extras. Look at your house – There are many areas that won’t be painted the same color as the walls. These can include eaves, doors, window frames, trim pieces and other decorative touches. You also have a roof which already has a shade of its own, and it could range from black/gray to terracotta. If you like the current colors of those non-wall areas, be sure to pick a house color that works well with the trim and roof. Remember: some contrast can be very good, but try to stay within color families and avoid very jarring contrasts when selecting your colors. You might also consider repainting the trim and doors at the same time as your home, as they often need a touch-up at the same time as the house itself.

6. Open your mind to the possibility of TWO colors. Your house might not look its best with one single color dominating it. Depending on your home’s style, a two-color design might work best. Don’t go overboard mixing and matching colors (too many shades isn’t a good thing), but don’t limit yourself to just one color if your house might look best with two.

Of course, if you’re still in doubt, you can ask experienced exterior painters (like us) for further advice on the colors and styles that might work best on your house. Krystal Klean offers a range of interior and exterior painting for your needs. Above all, have fun bringing your home back to bright, vibrant life with a fresh coat of paint!

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