Homemade glass and window cleaner

Have you ever discovered that you are all out of certain cleaners on the quest to clean your home?  Maybe you were about to clean the windows and discovered you are completely out of window and glass cleaner.  I have been there and it’s so very frustrating isn’t it?  Soap and water just leaves nasty streaks and who wants that?  Not me and surely not you either. 

I learned to use my Internet research skills and found out something pretty amazing.  You can make your very own glass and window cleaner.  Is it really possible?  Yes it is.  I totally didn’t think about that possibility since I am always relying on store bought cleaners.  You’d be surprised how easy it is to concoct your very own ingredients to form a very effective glass and window cleaner.

According to Thrifty Fun, here are the simple ingredients and directions to make homemade glass and window cleaner:


1 part vinegar

1 part alcohol

1 part water


Combine all three ingredients in some sort of spray bottle.   This particular cleaner can be used on windows, mirrors, appliances, faucets.  Leann over at Thrifty Fun says that “she finds this homemade cleaner to be better than store bought.”  Less streaks!  Wow, can’t beat that especially if it’s homemade.

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