Proper care of your gutter protects your home

Not only does cleaning out your gutters look better, but it prevents rain from spilling over the gutters, creating flooding in the home. Sure, you can handle the job yourself, but who wants to drag out the ladder and spend hours in an uncomfortable position, putting yourself of risk? Instead, hire a professional gutter cleaning service that can get the job done fast – and reasonably priced.

Gutters should be cleaned about twice a year, although this does vary depending on where you live. For example, being in an area with lots of trees can cause the gutters to get clogged more often. Since professional companies offer free estimates and quotes, be sure to check out a few companies in the area before hiring a service.

Also be sure that the service is fully insured and has reputable references. Many companies will even provide written testimonials from customers directly on their website, which is a great way to check out what others are saying. Finally, before signing an agreement, make sure that what you agreed to in terms of price and completed work is written in the contract.

Image c/o Ted Garvin

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