Roof damage and your insurance company

How can you get your insurance company to pay for roof damage?

This is an excellent question.  Maybe you currently have roof damage but you are fearing what the insurance company is going to say after filing the claim.


According to Distinctive Roofing, LLC, “insurance companies sent teams from all over the country to handle the large amount of claims.  The claims ranged from hail damage to wind damage.”

The first thing to do is obviously contact your insurance company to see if they can possibly replace your roof.  Believe it or not there are specific steps you need to take in order to possibly get your roof  paid for.  So, get a pen and paper and take notes even if you currently do not have roof damage.  It’s always good to be prepared.

Steps to getting your damaged roof replaced and paid for

  • According to Melvin Richardson over at eHow, it’s important to review your insurance policy.  This will tell you if your roof is covered or not.  Your roof may not be covered in certain situations so pay attention to the fine print to see if you will be spending an arm or a leg on a new roof.
  • Call a local contractor to come out to your home to inspect the damage.  Most likely he will survey the situation with some snap shots and from there you can determine what to do.
  • File a claim with your insurance company ASAP.  Give them details of the situation.  Your insurance company will recruit an insurance adjuster to come out to thoroughly examine the damage to your roof.  Be sure to present all important documents from your recent inspection.  The contractor should not begin work until everything has been approved.
  • When your claim has indeed been approved, call a contractor of your choosing so that he/she may begin work immediately.  It’s important to observe their work to see if it is done professionally. You do not want quick and cookie-cutter work.  Make sure the contractor takes pride in his work with outstanding results.

For information on why home insurance may deny roof claims go to ezine articles.

Have you experienced roof damage?  If so did your insurance company pay to have it replaced?  Please feel free to share your experiences.  Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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