How to Effectively Touch up Painted Walls

So it’s been a few years since you painted your walls.  Could it use a touch up?  I found some excellent tips on how this can be achieved effectively without going overboard.  Maybe you have scuffs or paint chips, etc., these tips will help you take care of the problem in a heart-beat.

Touch Up Tips

  • You will want to prime and seal any spots on your wall that will need to be repaired.  Use a latex primer if there is drywall involved.
  • If possible, use the original paint from paint cans.  It’s nearly impossible to find the exact color from the original job.  Always store original paint if there is any leftover from the previous job.
  • You should reduce the paint by about 10 to 15 percent using a reducer per your budget.  Do not add it to the paint can.  Shake or stir the paint first. Poor in a paint tray then poor in the reducer.
  • Whatever painting tool you used for the previous job, be sure to use it again to get effective results.
  • Try to paint in weather conditions like that of the previous paint job.  This will cause the touch up paint to look like the old paint without ugly patches.
  • Apply reduced paint to the center of the touch up area.  This helps in touch up transition.
  • Let the paint dry, then thoroughly examine the job.  Try different lighting, etc., until you are sure the touch-ups were effective and are even and flat.


Source: eHow

Image: Wikimedia Commons:Ahybusybee

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